Gerald Frug

Gerald Frug

Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School
Gerald Frug
Gerald Frug is the Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Educated at the University of California at Berkeley and Harvard Law School, he worked as a Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Washington, D.C., and as Health Services Administrator of the City of New York before he began teaching in 1974 at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. He joined the Harvard faculty in 1981. Professor Frug’s specialty is local government law, a subject he has taught for more than thirty years. He has published dozens of articles on the topic and is the author, among other works, of a casebook -- Local Government Law (6th edition 2015, with David Barron and Richard T. Ford) – and two other books: City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation (Cornell University Press 2008, with David Barron), and City Making: Building Communities without Building Walls (Princeton University Press 1999).